
Onderstaande Engelstalige artikelen zijn gepubliceerd in internationale wetenschappelijke tijdschriften en gaan over onderzoeken die KOH samen met onderzoeksinstituten uitvoerden.


Collaboration in teams with NPs and GPs during out-of-hours and implications for patient care: a qualitative study

August 2017 | BMC Health Services Research

Main factors influencing collaboration between GPs and NPs in a team included a lack of knowledge regarding the NPs' scope of practice and regulations governing NP role, varying support of GPs for the NP role and limited communication between GPs and NPs regarding professional roles during the shift. Read more.

Towards an optimal composition of GPs and NPs in out-of-hours primary care teams: a quasi-experimental study

Juni 2017 | BMJ Open

Primary healthcare teams with a ratio of up to two GPs and two NPs provided sufficient capacity to provide care to all patients during weekend cover. Areas of concern are the number of consultations, delay in patient care and referrals to the emergency department. Read more

Factors influencing decision of GP's and managers tot train and employ an NP or PA in primary care: a qualitatieve study

Februari 2017 | BMC Family Practice

This article provides insight into factors influencing the decision of GP's and managers to train and employ a PA of NP within their organisation. Read more.


The impact of substituting general practitioners with nurse practitioners on resource use, production and health-care costs during out-of-hours: a quasiexperimental study

September 2016 | BMC Family Practice

At a general practitioner cooperative experimental teams with 4 GP's and 1 NP were compared with control teams with 5 GP's. The results showed no significant differences in outcomes between teams. In the experimental team NP care resulted in lower resource use and cost savings than GP care. Read more.

Substitution of general practitioners by nurse practitioners in out-of-hours primary care: a quasi-experimental study

March 2016 │ Journal of Advanced Nursing

The results of this study show that NPs can have a valuable contribution to patient care during out-of-hours. The patients managed and care provided by NPs is roughly the same as GPs'. Read more.


The effectiveness of Nurse Practitioners working at a GP cooperative: a study protocol

Augustus 2012 │ BMC Family Practice

This study aims to assess the effects of substitution of care from general practitioners to nurse practitioners in an out-of-hours primary care setting. This study started in 2010 and ended in 2013. Read more.

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